Scholarship Program for the 2024-2025 Academic Year
We are pleased to announce that our council will again offer the Thomas J Mulkern Memorial Scholarship for college bound students of our parish. This Scholarship/Leadership award is offered based on Faith, Leadership, Service, and Educational Goals achieved during the student’s academic life. This year’s single scholarship of $2000 is non-renewable and will be paid for the coming academic year. Responses must be postmarked by May 4, 2024 to be considered.
In addition, we are also offering the Andrew J Schock Memorial Scholarship for 8th grade students enrolling in an area Catholic high school for the coming school year. This year’s single scholarship is $1000, is non-renewable and will be paid for the coming academic year. The application for this scholarship also must be postmarked by May 4, 2024 to be considered.
Download the desired app format using the links below. We are using a joint application again this year. The MS Word version has fill-in fields or you can use the pdf version and fill it out by hand. All instructions are on the forms.
Please email all questions to us at knights@koc12886.org. We wish all of our applicants the best of luck!
KOC Scholarship Application – Fill-in Form
KOC Scholarship Application – Handwritten Entry