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Recent News and Activity

  • See the veggies add up

    Our summer produce yield is starting to add up. Thanks to the generosity of our parishioners who have selflessly donated the fruits (and vegetables) of their labor, such as beets, zucchini, carrots and tomatoes, we have almost hit the 1/4 ton mark. That… Click here to read more

  • Listen to this amazing song

    Being staunchly pro-life, there should be no surprise that we want to bring this song to your attention. Sung by Rachel Holt, an amazing young talent, “I was gonna be” will certainly move you. In this song, Rachel gives a voice to the… Click here to read more

  • Happy Father’s Day!

    Happy Father’s Day to all the dads in our parish community. Whether you are a dad being celebrated or are celebrating your own dad, it can be a humbling experience as you contemplate the role of a father especially in this current crazy… Click here to read more

  • Look Who Was In The Garden

    Dodging the raindrops yesterday, our Knights of Columbus began the spring plantings that will become nourishing community produce through the parish Garden of Mercy. As you know, this special garden grows food that will be donated exclusively to food pantries in our communities… Click here to read more

  • We have the bell survey results!

    Between the online survey and the paper surveys distributed at the church, we had a total of 71 survey responses. Thanks to all who took the time to tell us what you thought about our bell restoration project and what preferences you had… Click here to read more

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