See the veggies add up

Our summer produce yield is starting to add up. Thanks to the generosity of our parishioners who have selflessly donated the fruits (and vegetables) of their labor, such as beets, zucchini, carrots and tomatoes, we have almost hit the 1/4 ton mark. That does sound better than saying almost 600…

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Look Who Was In The Garden

Dodging the raindrops yesterday, our Knights of Columbus began the spring plantings that will become nourishing community produce through the parish Garden of Mercy. As you know, this special garden grows food that will be donated exclusively to food pantries in our communities through Plant-A-Row LV. Crops that were planted…

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Watch Us Get Started

With the cooperation of the weather, and the muscle of several Knights, we finally got our Garden of Mercy underway for 2024! Tasks Accomplished Overall, the garden is in great shape.  Check out these photos!  A huge thanks to Sean M, Frank F., Larry F, Bruce H., Hugh B., Bob…

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Another garden milestone reached this weekend – over 1 TON of vegetables donated!

Another amazing harvest brought us over the 2,000 lbs. mark this weekend! The Garden of Mercy is growing strong and feeding so many in our community each week. Thank you again to our volunteers and home gardeners who are adding to our weekly totals from your own garden excess. Truly a labor of love on so many levels. And, speaking of labor…look who is in our garden photo this week–Bruce Harvey. Some have call him the “Godfather of the Garden” because he has shepherded this wonderful project from the very first shovel of dirt and more! Thank you Bruce and all our fellow KOC members who work the garden throughout the season.

Grow baby grow

It seems that last week’s efforts of weeding, composting and laying of newspaper has paid off early. We logged a total of 114.5 pounds of fresh veggies this week!